✿ A Little About Me ✿

Well for starters, I'm nonbinary and aspec. While I do use ace and enby as labels I'm pretty flexible with them. If you're unsure what pronoun to use no worries! It's nothing serious but I'd much rather people try to use them more often. So if we've just met and still unsure using they/them is fine, No harm done!I'm mainly and English speaker, and while I can read other languages to an extent it's barely enough for a full conversation. I'm also pretty busy during the week so I might be inactive for any number of reasons so bare with me.I am very anxious around new people and pretty slow to replies, so if i don't respond it's either 1) it gets lost in the replies and I can't find it or 2) I just don't know how to respond and forget to reply back, nothing personal I just blank out. I do get chatty when I get use to people so don't be shy!I'm not the best at reading tone through text so if you're familiar with tone tags feel free to use them with me! (can't promise I'll know every tone tag so be warn lmao) I also tend to make typos which can be funny sometimes and i use emojis and emotes A LOT.I'm pretty busy most of the week. But if you like to see any of my art, I have an art instagram where I post my art (@SpadeM00n). I also post art on my Tumblr Art Blog!!

Shows & Stuff I Like

✿ Main Interests ✿
In Stars and Time (super normal about it dw :D)
★ Idol Anime (mainly Idolish7, but also Enstars & DearVocalist)
★ Hanako-kun
★ Maplestory
★ Indie Games in General
✿ Other Interests ✿
★ Spy x Family
★ Kirby Series
★ AI: the Somnium Files
★ Puyo Puyo Series
★ Psychonauts
★ Cuphead
★ The World Ends with You
★ Layton Series
★ Skullgirls
★ Old 80's/90's anime generally
★ Rhythm Games
★ Visual Novels
✿ It's Complicated ✿
**Disclaimer: while I still enjoy these things to an extent, I have conflicting feelings about the fandom and past experiences with them. (covered in ooze, if you will /ref) So if you are a fan of any of these I'm not gonna get angry or anything, just I don't really talk about them outside certain friend circles
★ Genshin & Other Hoyoverse Games
★ Danganronpa
*I rarely if ever interact with fandoms and usually a lurker / casual enjoyer with some exceptions. But I don't mind being mutuals, just be prepared for a lot of these to flood the timeline lmao

✿ Before You Follow ✿

Generally for rt's/likes, I rt or like my friends stuff or mutuals i follow. I do have a tendency to mass reblog/retweet so sorry if there's random influxes of activity. I almost never talk on my insta and my tumblr I mostly reblog so your best bet talking to me is through Twitter atm. On sites like tumblr or Insta I usually tag stuff that can be uncomfortable for some peeps (i.e. body horror, blood, etc.) Twitter doesn't really do that with its tags but it does have a sensitive content warning in case.I usually don't like or rt it, but since I'm an adult there might be a chance of me liking or reblogging/retweeting something slightly suggestive but never outright r18+ stuff And if there's a tagging system I will ALWAYS try to tag it if I see it. That being said I'm also not that into NSFW content either so I won't really reblog or rt that stuff. I keep things pretty SFW for myself.General DNI like homophobia, racism, general gross stuff etc. If the off chance you're a minor following me that's fine but please be mindful. Also shoot me a DM if I need to tag extra stuff.

I also can be slow to respond and not comfortable with being dm'd randomly but I do have a discord at SpadeM00n#6337. I'm pretty particular when it comes to getting DM's from strangers, so all I really ask is just a heads ups if we have never met yet. Getting texts by strangers can be confusing and most likely I will ignore the DM unless I'm absolutely sure I know who it is, just as an FYI.